[FAQ | 결제 (Payment)] UnknownKnights
결제 (Payment)
결제 (Payment)
구매 상품과 결제 금액이 달라요. / The payment amount is different than the purchased item.
상품을 마켓에서 환불하여 제재되었어요. / The product was refunded in the market and sanctioned.
결제 시 카드가 거부되었다고 해요. / My credit card has been rejected.
결제 내역은 어디서 확인하나요? / Where can I see my payment details?
결제 후 상품이 도착하지 않아요. / I have purchased an item by haven’t received it.
결제 취소(청약철회)하고 싶어요. / I want to cancel (refund) my purchase.
갑자기 1달러가 결제되었어요. / A payment of U$1.00 was charged.
결제 후 아이템이 미지급되었습니다. / Item was not given after payment.
결제 진행 시 오류가 발생합니다. / An error occurred during the payment process.
미성년자 자녀가 상품을 결제해서 환불하고 싶어요. / I want a refund after my underage child paid for the product.
계정을 도용당해 결제가 진행되었어요. / My account was hijacked and the payment was processed.
결제 수단을 변경하고 싶어요. / I want to change my payment method.
결제를 취소해도 Google Play 결제 확인 팝업이 뜹니다. / Even if you cancel the payment, the Google Play payment confirmation popup appears.